
Welcome to Hearthplace Homeopathy.

I consult in all areas of health including Women’s, Men’s, Children’s, Babies and Animal’s health. No matter how complex your health picture has been, Homeopathy can support you on your journey back to vibrant health.

Homeopathy is Vibrational, frequency medicine and is able to stimulate your body to realign with what it was originally designed to do: heal itself. It is a simple and relatively inexpensive modality, that is able to effectively bring about true and long lasting health. It is safe to use if you are taking other medications, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The scope of Homeopathy is vast, therefore I offer a free, 15 minute phone chat to discuss if this is the right course for you to take at this time. To organise a time to talk, contact me here.

I am trained in the Fertility Protocol, as taught by Melissa Kupsch of RMDY Collective, helping couples who have been unable to conceive. Homeopathy offers real hope, even after IVF has failed. The fertility protocol, is for couples who have been trying to conceive, for at least a year, without success. This protocol has been used successfully, by many couples worldwide.

Consults are via zoom.

To book a consult, simply click here, and choose a time that suits you. Consults are 90 minutes, to give us the opportunity to take the time to get a complete picture of your uniqueness. We start with what is presenting and go from there. The process of telling your story is healing in itself. I offer you the opportunity to unpack your journey thus far, and from this picture, the remedy will be chosen.

Homeopathy: A World View

Homeopathy has been used, safely and effectively, worldwide, for over 200 years, to treat both acute and chronic medical conditions. In today’s world, it is growing in popularity, as more people have become disenchanted with the side effects that often come from the orthodox/allopathic medical industry. Homeopathy is a relatively inexpensive and side effect free approach to healing, that engages the body’s inner ‘vital force’ to bring about true healing, not simple removing symptoms. It has been used by millions of people throughout the world, with a long history of use in the United States and Canada, New Zealand, India, Africa, France, The Netherlands and Germany. Homeopathy works deeply within the body to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability, to come back into balance=homeostasis.

How Homeopathy Works

There are two ways of treating disease. The first way is with suppression, which is the allopathic/medical approach; to remove or suppress symptoms by the quickest means possible: remove the body part, poison the cancer, suppress the symptoms. The second form of treatment, is by meeting the presenting symptoms, with their “likeness”. As homeopaths, we administer a diluted and potentised homeopathic remedy to meet the current symptoms which are being expressed in the moment.

Homeopathy works with your body in empathy.: “Like cures Like”. As Homeopaths we take a detailed case history to find the “Simillimum”; the remedy that best matches the patients case history. “Homeo” meaning similar, and “pathos” meaning suffering; “similar suffering”. Anything capable of producing symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person. By a process of dilution and potentisation (also known as sucussion), homeopathic medicine has no “physical” remanent of the original material used to prepare the medicine, however, the energetic imprint, upon the water molecules, remains.

The body’s vital force is constantly looking to create health in the body. It is the creative driving force that IS life; the spark that animates; the intelligence that informs our bodily functions, without which, we simply wouldn’t be here.

I am particularly interested in addressing the deeper reasons behind the presenting symptoms. The themes arising, at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, that have run through family lines from one generation to the next, affecting us in the present. If we are able to address these causative factors, from the present, or past generations, we can begin the journey back to full, vibrant health. We heal in the present, but we also heal backwards and forwards. We can heal in the present what our forbears were unable to, and we clear the way for future generations. This is Quantum Healing


Go to Homeopathic Consults to book an appointment.